Annie Forever


Panel two is from the second ever Little Orphan Annie -- punching a boy who was being very rude to her is the first choice we ever see Annie make.

Text summary: (click to open)

"Annie, think about it," Aquila says, as an angry Annie sheds a frustrated tear, "about what you've been through."

Annie does so, and sees herself from three different perspectives -- from afar, as a young child, punching a rude boy in the face, then from her own eyes, in a snow-covered city, her hand reaching out for a car speeding off on the other end of an alleyway, and then from in front of herself, wearing a mask and goggles and a wingsuit, soaring over a body of water with a setting sun behind it.

Annie's anger leaves her, though the tears don't, as Aquila continues, "Why wouldn't you be part of all of this?"