Annie Forever


This was originally more of an action scene instead of a chase scene, but I changed it because I realised Scott Pilgrim had done almost the exact thing I was gonna do but better in the exact same Toronto library.

Text summary: (click to open)

A man with a beard and a hat runs off with surprising speed!

In a montage of Annie's pursuit of him, we see her standing pensively as the man's coat swishes behind bookcases. We see her on one staircase while the man is on another. We see her running around a bank of computers while the man is on the other side. We see her angrily spotting him from behind glass wall. We see her walking past a bookcase as the man walks past it on the other side.

Tired from this pursuit, Annie takes a breather, leaning on a hip-height wall. "Pffffffffftjeez."

But because she forgot she's in a library, seven different voices whisper "Shush!" "Shush!" "Shush!" "Shush!" "Shush!" "Shush!" "Shush!"